Balika Vadhu Episode 2013


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Balika Vadhu 24th January 2013 Written Episode, Balika Vadhu 24th January 2013 Written Update

Balika Vadhu Full Episodes

Scene 1:
Location: Shiv’s house in jaitsar
Meenu is alramed to know that ira has started preparations for sankranti and says that she wouldnt be able to come to udaipur with anandi and shiv. As expected, ira is upset, to know that their program with anandi and shiv hs been cancelled due to dadisa’s invitation and says that it is their first sankranti too, after the marriage, and that they would feel lonely too if shiv and anandi are absent. She asks meenu if she didnt tell dadisa that they had earlier made a plan with anandi and shiv. Meenu doesnt know what to say. Meenu says that she couldnt say no on dadisa’s insistence. Anandi is a little tensed seeing meenu’s expression, while talking on the phone to ira. Meenu tries to cheer her up saying that this time, they would celebrate it jaitsar style and next time udaipur style. But ira is still insistent to know why didnt meenu try to talk herself out of dadisa’s invitation. Sanchi is also disgusted with the recent happenings. Anandi is upset to see meenu tensed.

Scene 2:
Location: Jaitsar haveli
Dadisa is on makhan to get the whole haveli clean and made spic and span. She then goes to the kitchen to supervise gehna and sumitra’s preps. She takes sumitra with her to show the gifts that she has planned for shiv, anandi and their family. Basant says that bhairo called up for the arrangements of the priest and other ritual related arrangements. Just then, nandu comes in with jagiya, very excited about the kites that he bought with jagiya. He goes up with jagiya to keep kites in the room and dadisa looks at them, overwhelmed with emotions.


Scene 3:
Location: Shiv’s house in jaitsar
Ananadi is upset in the kitchen, thinking about meenu’s dilemma to talk to to ira. Ananadi finds meenu talking to ira on the phone and requests to talk to her. She apologizes on dadisa’s behalf saying that she didnt know of ira’s preps and therefore went on to invite shiov and meenu to celebrate sankranti in the haveli. Anandi talks to ira saying that she would talk to dadisa, and get her to give them permission so that they can come to udaipur to celebrate wih them. But ira stops her saying that she shouldnt talk to dadisa since she also must have made preparations by now and decides that she would manage alok and dadaji, there somehow. Meenu takes the phone from anandi and praises anandi in front of ira about her sense of maturity and responsibility. She says that anandi’s love and truthfulness is enough for them to celebrate it nicely this time. anaandi takes the phoen and ira tells her that she has waited quite some time for a daughter in law and to be able to celebrate festivals with her, and this would be her first sankranti with them and first is always first. Eveen the other family members were evry excited to meet her. She says that she cant refuse dadisa for hurting her and therefore says its ok and she would manage there with the other members. After ira hangs up, anandi is still upset. Meenu tries to cheer up anandi that she was worrying for nothing, since ira didnt feel bad at all. She says to sanchi, that she knows she stays in hostel and longs for celebrating festivals with her family, and would miss out on that oppurtunity this time just for her. She apologizes to sanchi for this and leaves with a heavy heart. after she’s gone, meenu says to sanchi that these are the things which floored them about anandi.

Scene 4:
Location: Jaitsar haveli
Nandu and jagiya are preparing kites for flying. Jagiya looks at them, and remembers how he used to fly kites with anandi, in childhood and adolescence and gets emotional. He tries to put nandu off to sleep, and realises that he’s already asleep. He takes him from there.

In their room, gehna and basant are discussing what lal singh told them to come to the hospital for tests. Basant says that they could go after the next day of sankranti. She asks if he’s okay wih it. Basant says that he wants to discuss it with jagiya, but doesnt know how to. Gehna says that he would feel hesitant since they consider him like a son. Just then, jagiya comes in saying that if they cant discuss it with him as a son, they should try discussing it considering him to be a doctor. gehna is still a little hesitant to open up to jagiya like that. Jagiya, after telling them that he’s with them, and supports their descision. He tells her that they would have to get soem tests done and after that they would start the treatment. when she starts the treatment, she would have to rest much but basant has a doubt that they would then have to talk about this with dadisa and tell her everything. jagiay says that the IVF process doesnt have a 100% success rate and hence should wait for something concrete before they tell dadisa anything and give her hope. He says that dadisa however has changed a lot, and maybe she adapts to this real well. Basant says that he would talk to dadisa at the right time, when jagiya says that she shouldnt hear about it from someone else. He says that now they would have blind faith on him now that he’s involved. Jagiya says that they should also prepare themselves for failure too in this process, as thats also a possibility. Basant says that if that is god’s will, then they would accept it with open hearts. The screen freezes on his face.

Underlying message: In a house, talking to a an adult and mature child, in the family relieves the elders of their problems and its complications and gives them such a pleasurable and relieving experience, that it develops a bond of friendship between the children and adult in the family.

Balika Vadhu Episode 2013 Youtube

Precap: Anandi later talks to shiv saying that ira might not show it but she too must have felt bad. when shiv says that his mother is very mature and doesnt keep this things in her heart, anandi says that she has an idea through which they would be able to keep both the families happy. shiv has a questioning look on his face while anandi smiles in excitement of her plan. Ira is surprised to get a call from meenu, saying that she is surprised to hear that they have left so early for anandi’s family. Meenu quips saying that anandi couldnt wait, hence dragged them out for the haveli so soon. Ira says with a sad face, that they should try and enjoy as much as possible whereas they would have a very dry one. Sanchi snatches the phone, saying that ira shouldnt feel bad and should go out in the garden, for a walk for some time. Shiv and his family arrive at their destination and get down from the jeep, with mischief in their eyes.

Balika Vadhu January 2013 Episodes

Update Credit to: Rimjhim

Scene 1:Location: Jaitsar haveliNandu says that now that jagiya is gone, he feels the need for someone to play with him and demands for a younger bother from gehna. She asks him why not a sister. He says that he wants to play with someone who plays like him and not girlish games. But then, he also adds that if a younger brother not possible, atleast they could give him a younger sister who he would train to play his games with her. Gehna smiles but is speechless to give an answer. She sees basant at the door who tells nandu to see cartoons and distracts him. He leaves to watch tv. Basant comes and sits on the sofa.Gehna tells basant that ever since anandi and jagiya have left, nandu feels very alone and is irritated all the time for not having anyone to play with. She asks him if he seriously thought about adoption and also about talking to dadisa. She also discusses with him the possibility of having their own child but basant dismisses the idea embarassedly confessing that he is no longer physically capable of siring a child and thata doption is their only hope. Gehna understanding his disconfort says that he shouldnt discuss this with dadisa if he doesnt feel comfortable. She says that nandu would forget about this when school starts. Basant says that this time he wont be able to forget his loneliness and he would see what he can do about that.Dadisa calls up vishnu, the villager she had given money to find out about jagiya. She asks him if he has any news. He assures that he and his men are on her task only and as soon as they find out anything, they would tell her.While bhairo is working on his laptop, finding out prevailing prices in the market for grains, basant walks in worried saying that he needs to talk about something. sensing his hesitance, bhairo asks him to say anything that he wishes to. Basant says that he has planned to make their family bigger by introducing a new member into the family. Bhairo is happy and is on the verge of congratulating him when basant says that nothing has happened yet as gehna can no longer be a mother on her own, indirectly hinting at his physical inability. Bhairo understands and suggests to him that he should try allopathic medicinal sciences, unlike ayurvedic that he has tried before and didnt prove to be much help. he says That they coul talk to lal singh about this and see what he says. If at all there’s no chance, then he can always go back to his option of adoption, but in any case he would have to talk to dadisa. Basant is relieved and decides to try medicines before talking to dadisa.Scene 2:Location: In the laxmibhag village’s marketVishnu finds jagiya in the market and decides to call dadisa victoriously. Buta s he places the call, he loses track of jagiya. He cancels the call in a bid to go after jagiya and find out about him. After some mismatches, he finally catches a glimpse of jagiya riding pillion on a person’s bike and drive off. Before he can react, he finds lal singh coming out from the same lane that jagiya went into. He recognizes lal and links both the incidents together and thinks whether they have met each other. He approaches lal and asks him what he’s doing there. lal cites an excuse of seeing a patient and also refuses his offer of driving him to jaitsar for the same excuse. When lal leaves, vishnu is still in a doubt.Scene 3:Location: Udaipur haveliWhile shiv and his family are waiting downstairs, they are discussing about how dadji had to leave them at the last minute and go to dehradun. Their conversation is halted by anandi’s appearance out of her room, coming down the stairs dressed in a simple sari unlike her traditional clothes. Alok teases shiv for the same that his wife is almost unreognizable. While shiv is mesmerized, Anandi comes upto sanchi and asks her if this dressing is alright for her to go out in public with her and not feel embarassed. Sanchi doesnt respond but others have a sense of appraisal in their eyes for anandi.Nathu arrives and introduces himself to anandi and tells her that he is at her disposal in this house and she can holler him or anything that she needs, whenever she needs. He also gets sweetened curd for her, citing it to be for good luck in her life. anandi is moved by this gesture and takes a spoonful. She then along with her family leaves for the temple.Scene 4:Location: Outside a temple in jaitsar.Vishnu is waiting for dadisa. when she comes out of the temple, he tells her that he had seen jagiya and goes on to tell her the entire story. Dadisa also asks him about jagiya’s physical appearance and whether he was living in that village. He says that he still doesnt know of his residence, and has a doubt that he might have been in Laxmibhag village for some work. He relieves her by saying that jagiya looked fit and fine and was wearing good clothes too. He also adds about his encounter with jagiya. Saying so, he leaves, but raises a doubt in dadisa’s mind if lal singh knows anything about jagiya. The screen freezes on her face.Underlying Message: Blood relations are so strong that often, people want to tie their bonds with their estranged blood relatives at any cost. they are even willing to forgive them for their mistakes in the past.Precap: Jagiya in front of a bonfire, is in tears thinking of his past when a woman carrying a child in her arms collides with him Jagiya is shocked and the lady looks scared and seems to have been running away from someone.